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Triveni Interchem Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading industrial chemicals manufacturer and supplier, meeting the demand of various industries. We deal in both organic and inorganic chemicals, and therefore our horizon of trade in the market has widened. We are engaged in the manufacture and supply of Fluoride, Fluoborate, Slico Fluoride, Cryolite, Sulphate, Chloride, Phosphate, Carbonate, Acid, Borate, Chloride, Benzene and many more. By pursuing & implementing the highest standards of excellence in our operations, we have nurtured our capabilities.
Triveni Interchem Pvt. Ltd. established itself in the year 2010 as a mid size enterprise. Gradually, banking on the industrial know how and commitment towards excellence, we evolved as one of the leading suppliers of organic and inorganic chemicals catering to a number of domestic and international clients. Through an unwavering focus on Quality, Commitment & Delivery, we have charted our way to success in our operations and have won the admiration of our customers.
Mr. Gargi Ranjan
Annual Turnover
Rs. 50 - 100 Crore
Year of Establishment
Primary Business
Category : Milk