Pharmacy Management Software

  • Feature : 100% Cloud Access
  • Frequency : 59Hz
  • Speciality : Advanced Data Security and Data Backup
  • Type : Multispecialty Software
  • Use : Pharmacy Management software
  • Software : Pharmabooks

1. Sales & sales Return & Replacement2. Purchase & Purchase Return & Sattlement Replacement 3. Sales Party/Customer Payment Tracking & Sattlement,4. Purchase Party/Vendor Payyment Trackking & Sattlement,5. Stock & Inventory with Item,wise, Composition, Salt & Drug Type,6. Party Accounting, Payment Deposit,7. GSTIN Statement with Party & Tax Slab Wise,8. Short Stock & Expiry Pre-Alert System,9. Medicine Item Master,10.Proft-Loss Statement,11.Daily Sales Collection Report with user-wise.