Electric Pedal Bicycle
Essel Energy Electric Bicycle : GET 7 Electric Bicycle comes with everything attached and ready to use. Lets get familiarized with its features. This electric bicycle comes with two sets of keys. The remote key has four buttons. First Button is to lock the bike just the way in car to protect it against theft Second Button is to deactivate the lock Third button which has flash sign on it, is to activate key-less mode To deactivate the key-less mode you have to press the second lock button Forth button is added alarm feature for in case you forget where you parked your e bicycle There are three keys in your key chain. The biggest key has made cycle mark over it. The is one special key for e bicycle to turn on and off the bicycle manually Key with the red dot is used to lock the back wheel of the electric bicycle so that no one can ride away with your electric bicycle The Third key is for unlocking Li-Ion battery from electric bicycle and removing it , so that you can take it near the plug point to charge it.